Easter Sunday: Rise heart; thy Lord is risen. – George Herbert
In the Acts of the Apostles, “when Peter says he is a witness to Jesus’ resurrection, he does
not only guarantee the truth of Christ’s rising – though that statement is itself momentous. What
lends force to his words is his assurance of the fact that Jesus, who was dead, is alive and
exerts a transformative influence beyond constraints of time and space. The world is forever
changed as a result. Peter’s life is changed. Your life too, he tells Cornelius (and us), can be
(Erik Varden – Entering the Twofold Mystery – 2022, pp192-3).
Transformation is the key word. It is not an original insight to stress that the Gospel is a
transformative, living document of faith. The first Christians experienced first-hand the transformative
power of Jesus’ resurrection in their lives. Knowing the Risen Jesus, they were forever changed.
The same reality is true for us. Do we honestly believe that?
Sadly, some 2,000 years later, we can take too much for granted. We may too easily be born
into the Church, just passively receiving what we are told, thus missing the full message about who
we are as church, in relationship with God and each other. The basic fact is that the Gospel acts to
change our lives here and now, so that we may know God’s glory, thus becoming attuned to the full
possibilities of life. Do we appreciate this? I can understand if we don’t. No matter our reluctance
or reticence, our transformation into participating more fully in the divine life, here and now, is offered
to us through the resurrection.
Here the danger is I may just be theorising. So I will put it another way. I see this transformation
happening in little ways, in real ways, in the life of our own faith community. My honest experience
is that I see ‘spiritual enlightenment’ happening in our midst. I see the goodness of people and know
their generosity in reaching out to others who have less or suffer. I see people making decisions to
make something more of their lives, to live their faith more deeply and to make life commitments for
the sake of love, for the sake of others. I see people humbly placing their lives before a forgiving
God, being intent on making a fresh start.
Transformation is happening. The resurrection is real and happening today in Our Bangkok.
The Lord has risen, as he said he would. Easter unfolds God’s unending promise to every person
enjoying their true dignity, in the light of the resurrection. Nothing in this life can kill our Easter faith.
Thus, Alleluia is our song and we are an Easter people.
John P Murray osa
Sacraments of Eucharist & Confirmation
Please remember in your prayers four young members of our faith community preparing for the reception of the sacraments.They are:
Alex preparing for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation;
Chloe, Gabriel and Nitaan preparing for receiving the Eucharist.
They are very much at the heart of who we are together in faith.
– Fr. John P Murray OSA (November 2021)

All at once
Chinese New Year, Tet, Valentine’s Day are all important celebrations in this region, and beyond. As I faced the celebration of Mass on Sunday, I was quite amazed to realize that all three came together at once

It’s not all bad
Last week, I kept hearing people talk negatively of their experiences of the pandemic. I know it is no picnic; I know there is a lot of suffering and death; I know about the UK, Germany and the USA where it is so bad at this present time

Christmas is Not a Lie
I then ask the doubters of Christmas. How can wishing good for all humanity be silly? How can our wanting to experience some joy in life be silly?
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