Returning to Church.
Landings – Welcoming Returning Catholics
For Catholics who have been away from Church but who are now contemplating to return. Returning to church is very much an internal process through doubts and questions in mind and heart.
Landings is not a catechetical program but a journey accompaniment, helping the returner to discover the silent, yet unseen intervention and work of God in the returner’s personal life. One of the greatest discoveries in this process is, “I may have left God, but God never left me”.
Even if you were once away and have now returned, we invite you to join us because your story will be of help to someone else.
Contact: Tony See 086-0227250, Line ID: Tonysee36
Faith Sharing Group
Faith sharing is an opportunity to explore and ponder our faith often in the context of daily life.
A theme is pre-selected, and a passage taken from a Catholic source; the Sunday readings, another bible passage, a quote from the Pope, an excerpt from Catholic literature, or something from the life of a saint. Sessions are structured and the group follows a format.
Meetings are once a month after mass. The group welcomes anyone to join us.
Contact: Tony See 086-0227250, Line ID: Tonysee36