
News & Stories

Pastoral Letter on Human Sexuality

CONFERENTIA EPISCOPALIS SCANDIÆ Pastoral Letter on Human Sexuality 5. Sunday of Lent 2023 Dear Brothers and Sisters, The forty days of Lent recall the forty days Christ fasted in the wilderness. But that is not all. In salvation history, forty-day periods mark stages...

Fr John’s ​reflection on the Priesthood

Fr John’s ​reflection on the Priesthood prepared for Spring​ Rain​ Global, a​ church-based development​ agency​ based​ in​ the​ Philippines.​ Get to know our 10am English Mass pastoral leader and his Calling here:


The​ Geronimo and​ Veigas families​ presented​ their​ children​ for​ baptism​ on​ Sunday​ 12th December.​ We​ wish​ these​ families​ every​ blessing​ as​ we​ all​ journey​ together​ in​ faith.​

Sacraments of Eucharist & Confirmation

Please remember in your prayers four young members of our faith community preparing for the reception of the sacraments.They are: Alex preparing for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation; Chloe, Gabriel and Nitaan...


Hers is a story out of this pandemic. Ekaterina is Russian, and for more than 30 years went to the Catholic Church but due to the difficult situation in Russia, she was never baptized.

Coming Home From Emmaus – Timothy Radcliffe, OP

MANY CATHOLICS are deeply scandalised by the Church’s complicity in the sexual abuse scandal. Young people feel the Church is out of touch, against women, against gay people. They want out. There is a story about a similar moment of disillusionment. It is our story...

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